All our products are imported from China. We can not promise 100% quality assurance on our products, and we do not accept any returning items, either they were broken after purchasing or suffering from bad production quality upon buying.  Please take these into account when buying from our store.

However, we do allow customers to perform full and complete inspection on the items, which permits the customers to come into physical interactions with the products. Customers can also open packages to verify the items inside if the product is not sealed inside plastic wrapping or any other kind of enfolded package.

We do respect and care about the opinions of our customers and their impressions on our items, so please leave us feedbacks about your shopping experience at our store, or, if you notice any inadequate aspect in our store, please also leave your opinion on how we should improve, thank you very much.

By the way, we also process customer requests, so if there are any anime related products you desire, please contact me via email or msn (see contact us page), we would be glad to help, and the service fee is free.

My goal is to please myself and our otaku community in Quebec City. This is a small business run by an otaku for otakus, please give me feedbacks to help promoting this culture.